Pet Trusts Protect Your 4 Legged Loved Ones
Planning ahead is important when it comes to protecting your pets in case something happens to you. Michigan Estate Planning Attorney Sean O’Bryan shows you how Setting up a pet trust can give you peace of mind.
A “Letter of Intent” can help your Successor Trustee
A separate “Letter of Intent” as part of your estate plan is one way to help your successor trustee by spelling out your hopes, dreams, goals, rules, and limits regarding your family.
What Are Your Duties as a Trustee?
The number of people reporting some sort of estate planning has decreased by more than 20 percent in the last few years. So it's no surprise that many people are unfamiliar with the trust process and trustee duties.
A Smart Decision: 5 Reasons to Hire an Estate Planning Lawyer
There's so much an estate planning lawyer can help you with beyond creating a will. Keep on reading to learn the top 5 reasons to hire an estate attorney.
Making it ‘Equal”
When you’re deciding how to divide your assets among multiple heirs, it’s very important to consider who will pay your estate’s debts out of their share. Two bequests that look equal in theory might be very different in practice once debts are taken into account.
Trust Protectors: Right for My Trust?
A Trust Protector may be a terrific option for many families who already have a trust or are creating a trust. A Trust Protector is someone who is appointed to watch over a trust that will be in effect for a long time and ensure that it is not adversely affected by any changes in the law or circumstances.
The Ultimate Guide to Reviewing Your Estate Plan
Your estate plan is an investment in you and your family's future. As years pass by, your family will grow, your assets will change, and new laws will be passed. Everyone should review their estate planning documents at least once every year.
Be Careful Changing Your Estate Plan
However, it’s important to keep in mind that changing a will is not a “do-it-yourself” process. Generally, any changes to your will or trust must be made with the same formalities as the original document itself, including witnesses and signatures.
A Grief So Great: The John Porter Bowman Trust
Trusts can be used for all kinds of purposes. One successful businessman, so grief-stricken over the loss of his wife and 2 daughters, used his trust to prepare for their reincarnation.
What to Do If You Win the Lottery
In my nearly 30 years of law practice, I have been called 3 times to assist a client who has won more than a million dollars in the lottery.
Robin Williams was Serious About One Thing: Estate Planning
People were shocked to learn of the death of Michigan native, and comic legend, Robin Williams this past summer. In this article, we will look at the 5 strategies he used to protect his wife and children, avoid probate and taxes, fund his plan, and potentially leave a multi-generational legacy.